International sculptor Ahmed Al-Bahrani designs a sign and prize for the Baghdad Arab Film Festival

النحات العالمي أحمد البحراني


Aug 2023

Dr.Jabbar Judy: The decision is the festival’s pride and appreciation for the creative stature of the international Iraqi artist Ahmed Al-Bahrani
Ahmed Al-Bahrani: For the first time, I design an award for a film festival, and I am proud that it is being held in my beloved country, Iraq

The head of the Iraqi Artists Syndicate, head of the Baghdad Arab Film Festival, Dr. Jabbar Judy, announced that the preparatory committee for the Baghdad Arab Film Festival (the course of the veteran director Muhammad Shukri Jamil), which is being held by the Iraqi Artists Syndicate under the auspices of the Prime Minister, Muhammad Shayaa al-Sudani, for the period from 15 to 20 December. 2023, I decided to choose the design that was accomplished by the distinguished international Iraqi sculptor Ahmed Al-Bahrani for the “Loco” logo, a sign, and the prize of the Baghdad Arab Film Festival.

Dr.Jabbar Judy
Dr.Jabbar Judy
International sculptor Ahmed Al-Bahrani
International sculptor Ahmed Al-Bahrani










He added that this decision came out of the festival’s pride and appreciation for the creative status of the distinguished artist Ahmed Al-Bahrani, which resulted in various creative sculptural achievements inside and outside Iraq throughout his career, the last of which was (Gulf Cup 25) for football, which was held in the mouth of Iraq, Basra, Al-Fayhaa, and received an Iraqi public turnout. And a large Gulf and Arab ..
He pointed out that the preparatory committee decided to adopt the design also in all documents and publications of the festival, as well as in the festival prizes that will be awarded to the winners of the various festival competitions, in addition to the great cinematic personalities who will be honored in the first session of the festival, led by the veteran director and sheikh of Iraqi cinema directors, the distinguished artist Muhammad Shukri. Jamil, whose great name the cycle bears.
For his part, the international Iraqi sculptor Ahmed Al-Bahrani said about the idea and the message that he wants to convey through the completion of this design: “After I was assigned by the organizing committee of the festival and after being briefed on the details and objectives of the festival, I concluded that the festival’s logo is inspired by the shape of the Iraqi woman, who presented She deserves to be present at this important and distinguished cinematic forum, as this slogan was as if a woman was cheering to welcome the guests of Iraq, and the head was transformed into a sun that rises again from Iraq to radiate beauty to the whole world.

What distinguishes this design from the rest of its designs for prizes in Arab and international tournaments and festivals? Is this the first time he has designed a sign and a film festival award? Al-Bahrani confirmed: “What distinguishes this design is its Iraqi spirit, which was embodied in the details I mentioned earlier, bearing in mind that for the first time I am designing an award for a film festival and it is a matter of pride that it is being held in my beloved country, Iraq..Here, and through you, I would like to express my thanks and appreciation to the organizing committee and to brother Dr. Jabbar Judy, the head of the Iraqi Artists Syndicate, for entrusting me with this distinguished mission, which I consider an important addition to me and of which I am very proud.”
Regarding the materials he used in designing the Baghdad Arab Film Festival Award, he said: “The award model will be made of bronze treated with special colors for bronze, after the model was built with clay and then converted into bronze in a specialized smelter in Beirut.”
When we asked him, how do you view this assignment, which comes immediately after Khaleeji 23? Al-Bahrani confirmed: “My assignment to this work is an important addition, although the volume of work is small, but its importance lies in the occasion that my name is associated with, as well as my presence in Baghdad, Iraq, among my family and my fans, and this is a great honor for me I am very proud of him after being in the beloved Basra in the Arabian Gulf Cup.”
And the great international Iraqi sculptor Ahmed Al-Bahrani concluded: “The establishment of festivals of this size and this interest on the part of the state will contribute to the return of the spirit to the city of Baghdad and Iraq, and restore the prestige of Iraqi culture and art and its Arab, regional and international presence and depth.. I wish all success to those in charge of managing the festival, wishing the guests of Iraq a great Good and beautiful in our beloved country, Iraq.
It is worth noting that the international Iraqi sculptor Ahmed Al-Bahrani, born in Karbala, had designed many international cups and awards, including the 25th Gulf Championship Cup, which has been officially approved since the (17th) session that was held in 2004 in Qatar and is among his most beautiful sports artworks. , the logo of the 22nd Qatar Olympics, the design and implementation of the Handball World Cup in Sweden and Poland, not to mention his sculptures that are displayed in the most prestigious international halls around the world.


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About the Festival

Baghdad Film Festival is a non-profit organization dedicated to spreading, promoting and enriching cinematic culture, by encouraging the audience to participate and interact, support filmmakers, and develop and activate the cinematic industry in Iraq and the Arab countries

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